Season 2: Match 4

Hochland Hailers – Aldorf Eagles

TD 3-1
CAS 2-0

The match had been dubbed as “The Mother of all Rivalries” or “Better than a Reaver vs Marauders clash!” by the local newspapers… Showing both the limited reach of the aforementioned papers and the lack of writing talent in that particular area of the Empire. Still, the Emperor’s subjects enjoyed a good old Blood Bowl match between two human teams like in good old times, and not the amalgam of races, plays and body odors that skulked the pitch nowadays.

The Hailers had the experience. It was the third season for some of their stars and the rumour was their owner would pull them from the backwater tournaments they were paddling through and into some of the majors, in order to keep the stars and the team. The team had shown promise and several investors were interested. They just needed to make a good season to make sure the deals didn’t fall through.

The Eagles, on the other hand, had taken the Hafnia tournament by storm. On their first season, they had plowed through some of the league’s iconic teams and led the ranking for play-offs taking away many of the waivering Hailer fans. The newspapers had one thing right: The winner of this match would be the leading team for all the human fans following the Hafnia league! Which, of course, wasn’t that many.

The game started with a good offense by the Eagles who changed plays several times during their drive and seemed to enter with several balls in the pitch to throw the Hailers off. However, the Hailers didn’t win last year’s best defense because they bribed the jury. Or, more accurately, not *only* because of that. The Collin brothers managed to take down one of the catchers being used as a decoy who turned out to be the one with the real ball much to his surprise. The Eagles were unable to stop them, and the Collins scored the first touchdown.

Scoring on defense was exactly the kind of gritty, slow-paced stalling game the Hailers wanted and the second half played right into their tactic, scoring twice more. Before the end of the second half the Eagles, who much to their merit had not given up, scored a last touchdown for the final 3-1 score, showing a bigger gap than what was really seen on the field, according to Toll the Troll, the Cavalvision reporter covering the match: “One team better than the other, say ya? Nah. Couldn’t tell’em apart, really. They all look tasty to me.” he mentioned while munching on a fan wearing a “Make Blood Bowl Great again” cap.

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