Gruyden Gratefuls

When shadows descend upon the lands, the Lord of Whispers shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of Undead progeny. Blood will be sewn from their passage.

  • So sayeth the wise Klaus Homstedr

The Lord of Whispers should take care of his chip eating habits” had said the voices. “The Lord of Whispers better not eat that seventeenth piece of bacon” they had repeated several times. But, never ever had they mentioned Blood Bowl. Hence, Klaus was as surprised as anyone to find out his love of the game was to be his downfall.

The old seer of Gruyden had a heart attack while watching the nerve-wrenching semifinal  lost by the Hailers. His agonic death sent bolts of negative energy through the Astral plane, awakening scores of corpses across Hochland. Those who awoke subsequently flocked towards Gruyden, to the despair of its citizens and the utter happiness of the local priests and their monopoly on Holy Water.

When, exactly one week later, Klaus came back as a Lich, he fully understood his self profecy. Blood being sown? It clearly said he was meant to coach a Blood Bowl team!

Without his previous passion for greasy, salty food clouding his purpose and a relentless will proper to any undead worth its name, nobody could doubt the team was destined for greatness!

The Lord of Whispers is a hooligan, not a coach” said the voices

I said nobody doub..

and he needs a shower

Oh, just shut up.

Extract from My memoirs by Klaus Homstedr the Lich

Fans.jpg  “Blood what? No world conquest? Do they have burritos at least?”