Our history

The Training Day Massacre:

The Yager Bombers were hit with bad luck from the beginning. Despite a reasonably good pre-season and analysts considering them play-off material, their first manager tried to run away with the money and was unfortunately killed. Unfortunately, we say, because that meant putting the second manager, Duke Von Güisqui, in command. Undaunted by his predecesor’s lack of foresight and always trying to build on previous mistakes, he decided to sign his murderer, star player Helmut Wulff, in the team. Technically, the player hired was Wulff’s chainsaw, avoiding the “no weapon use” ban. But we dissgress.

The plan spectacularly backfired, as bad plans always do, on the first training season. After 4.7 seconds, Helmut gone into a murderous rage, maimed and killed half the team, including the coach and poor Von Güisqui, whose posthumous “worse cowner of the season” record was ironically received by Helmut Wulff, only Bomber player still around.

The rest of the team, led by Rob Roy, escaped north, into Hochland territory.

The Krudenwald Killers’ mysterious disappearance

Still under investigation, the whole relatively well known team (including coach, cheerleaders and lawnmower clerk but, strangely enough, not Volkmar Hahn, the apothecary) inexplicably disappeared the day before an important match against the dark elf team Ju-death Priests. Incidentally, the Krudenwald Killed, a new undead team has just registered with NAF!

Aldebrand Ludenhof, Elector Count of Hochland and team owner was looking at alternatives to restart the team when he encountered a bunch of homeless vagabonds wearing ragged blood bowl uniforms: The ex-Yager Bombers. Putting two and two together and about to miss the deadline for presenting a team, he halted them on the road and the rest is history!

Scrambled ramblings on the side of the page

Well, it is true they did spend some weeks in prison for eating ducal venison hunted in the woods. And it is undeniable that they then spent a couple of months making try outs to fill up the team to the minimum 11 player roster. So no, we guess the Elector Count was not really in a hurry. Also, by coincidence we have found out the Hochland Hailers trademark had been registered right before the end of the Killers. And several witnesses saw Ludenhof, in a shady inn, sealing some kind of deal with Joseph Bloatter, ex-NAF commisioner and Board of Directors’ member of Henekhaine…

But, hey, it was all Nuffle!

