Our sponsors


[One time] Hochland Tourism Association proudly sponsors the Hailers (our Hailers!) for the play-offs! What better way to calm down after the episode of psychopathic violence and mayhem also known as a blood bowl match than to look at a sunset from the Northern Mountains? How to otherwise feel the thrill of a touchdown run, if not chased by goblin bandits through our perennial forests? Check our easily affordable packages and have a holiday you will never forget!

Murder King[One time]Feeling peckish after seeing a bunch of Halflings gored to death? Got a craving for fresh meat while watching those nurglings sitting beside you? Karl Franz Arena is delighted to reveal our latest deal with Murder King, your family friendly burger joint!

“Using the ancestral techniques of the Dark Elf butchers, you can rest assured your meat will be hunted, executed and marinated in exactly the right way to give our burgers their distinctive tenderness!”


Hard block[One time] Using only the best coffee beans, collected by our puny goblin slaves, Hard Block Cafe offers a whole range of food and beverages to cater for all types of fans, including the ones that need no food or drink! The Cafe has now open a franchise at the Karl Frantz Arena. Don’t forget to pass by in the next match and block our goblins for free while enjoying your meal!


[One time] Taking advantage of the unveiling of the new stadium, the Hailers made a one time deal with Clawgate, the best toothpaste in the market. It not only cleans your teeth, it also sharpens them to take down those pesky armored orcs!


[Ongoing] Using only the blood of the best vestal virgins and the purest Hochland corn, Khorne Flakes is one of Hochland’s most famous breakfast products. It was only natural, they would jump to the opportunity to sponsor the Hailers!

Specially, since they had a contract with the Krudenwald Killers and the draconian exit clauses in it oblige them to do it. Nevertheless, the Hailers could not be happier (as nobody else was willing to sponsor them) with Khorne Flakes and when they go to a match, you know they had a good breakfast!


We thank our previous sponsors:

Sponsor[Ongoing] A short lived business relationship, Heinekhaine terminated the contract when Helmut Wulff (Mr. Heinekhaine) single-handedly disbanded the team and murdered accidentally terminated Duke Von Güisqui, owner of the Bombers. Despite this unfortunately turn of events we are contractually obliged to say that Heinekhaine is the best beer in the Old World!

